
Bread Buddies
The Bread Buddies programme is co-ordinated by the DOMINO FOUNDATION and enthusiastically supported on Thursdays by the Danville girls.
Interact Club make the sandwiches at break using the bread and peanut butter that has been donated by the girls for that week. These are then distributed by the DOMINO FOUNDATION to needy schools in the community.
Easter Egg Collection
As the Easter festivities draw near, Easter eggs are collected for distribution by Bread Buddies.
On the Thursday before Easter, the Interact team packs an Easter egg with every sandwich that they make during bread buddies. These are then distributed by the DOMINO FOUNDATION to needy schools in the area.
Christmas Shoebox Drive
This annual drive to provide disadvantaged children with a much treasured Christmas present begins as a Grade 10 community project where each girl puts together a Christmas shoe box gift . The project is then driven by Interact who motivate the rest of the school to donate boxes, wrapping paper and gifts. Approximately 400 boxes are delivered to the excited recipients after a special party where the Danville girls play “Father Christmas”.
Slipper Day
In term two the whole school participates in REACH FOR A DREAM’s annual Slipper Day. Girls pay R10 in order to wear their slippers and the money raised goes towards a fund for children with life-threatening illnesses.
Stationery Drive
Each year Interact manages a stationery drive, collecting unwanted stationery from the Danville community to donate to the Learn Project.